
Projection positioning function V1.2

Posted on 2018-01-04

1, set the software format, keep consistent with the machine format.

2, restore to the default parameters, set the current software properties, and maintain the same machine.

3, the controller panel settings work positioning mode for software positioning.

4, modify the color of the projection area.

5, start calibration, load and cut the calibration grid line; use the computer keyboard button [Delete] to delete the entire line is not within the projection format and the entire column of calibration points,
Then drag the calibration point to overlap the cutting grid intersection.

6, complete the calibration

7, selected graphics projection

8, box projection graphics, fine-tuning the location of the projection. Press the computer keyboard [arrow keys] can move slowly graphics; press [shift + arrow keys] can quickly move graphics.

9, export the projection graphics, to facilitate the next use.

10, import the saved projection file direct projection.

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